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Every Day, The TSA Catches People Smuggling Skeletons Through X-Ray Machines. Why Aren’t They Doing Anything To Stop It?

We’ve all been there: Hobbling through an airport security line while rushing to remove your belt and shoes and take your laptop out of your bag. We put up with these things because we think they help keep us safe. But if that’s true, then why does the TSA allow thousands of people to smuggle skeletons onto planes every day and do nothing about it?

Imagine that you’re sitting by your gate at the airport, just reading a book and waiting for your flight to board. Everyone has already been through security, so you’re definitely safe here, right?


Statistically speaking, the vast majority of the people sitting all around you smuggled a skeleton right under the TSA’s nose and will be bringing it on board your flight. And here’s the most disturbing part: The skeletons are being smuggled INSIDE their bodies.

So, now you’re 38,000 feet in the air, knowing that dozens of people all around you are hiding skeletons inside their own bodies that they snuck by the TSA. And not just adults, but children, too.

Maybe 10 years ago, we could reasonably argue that the TSA didn’t know about these skeleton smugglers. But in 2007, the TSA began installing special scanners that clearly show whether or not a traveler is hiding a skeleton inside of them. Every U.S. airport now has these scanners, and still the TSA lets this trend continue.

The lines the TSA is drawing appear to be arbitrary. If you pack a human skeleton in your carry-on, the TSA will prevent you from boarding your flight and detain you until the FBI arrives. But smuggle it in your body? You might as well be given the key to the plane’s cockpit.

Until we get answers from the TSA, we will have to live our lives in fear, knowing that the skies are filled with skeleton smugglers. The bottom line is this: The TSA is supposed to keep us safe, not abet those who would smuggle bones in their own bodies. The time for answers is now.