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In The Interest Of Full Transparency, Here Are The 7 Emails I Sent To Hillary Clinton About My Sick Horse

In our modern age, transparency is paramount. I am committed to creating a world where information is shared, not hidden, so here are several emails I sent to Hillary Clinton when I first noticed my horse was ill.

1. This is the email that started it all. I am posting it here for the world to see.

2. John Adams once wrote, “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right and a desire to know.” In that spirit, I cast this email into the public domain.

3. I cannot speak to the contents of Hillary’s other emails. But I can tell you that my horse emails are seven among them.

4. The walls are coming down.

5. I have nothing to hide.

6. This was intended to be a private moment, but you have a right to know that it happened.

7. The Secretary of State was informed about my sick horse. Now, the American people have also been informed. Late is better than never.